Want to make the most of your content marketing and SEO efforts? Looking for a guide to help you with your new freelance career? Sign up below, and you'll receive my best tips and my weekly newsletter.
Hey Reader, In 2023, when ChatGPT hit the market, I went into a tailspin. I was incredibly distressed by all the changes and uncertainty happening in the SEO and content industry. I wrote about it. A few times. I spent a long time in the void, doing a lot of soul searching. And while I was in there, something magic happened. I realized that a lot of my distress and anxiety was down to a single decision I made at some point to put my creative dreams on hold. Vulnerable Admission: I have always dreamed of being a published author. I went to college for creative writing, but shortly after I graduated, fell into the content marketing world as a way to get paid to write. I don't regret that, but I do regret the decision I made to put my creativity on hold until the perfect moment came along. In my mind, there would be a day when I was earning enough, secure enough, smart enough to write the book that's been inside me. Spoiler alert: That day never came. Or put differently, that day has always been today. I have regained confidence my in career in SEO and Content Marketing. That's why you're still getting emails about the industry from me, and you'll continue to get my insights here once a week (or so). But I have also regained my confidence as a creative. My passion and drive to achieve my dream of becoming a published author has never been stronger. In fact, since ChatGPT showed up to give me ennui... ✍️ I've written the first draft of my memoir. 📜 I've got several personal essays out for publication. 🧑🎓 I've launched a Self-Directed MFA program. I am very proud of this work and wanted to share it with you. Maybe you are only here for the SEO and Content Marketing gold. If so, you can archive this email, and rest assured I'll have something good for you next week. But if you are interested in creativity --- building up your own, or hearing about my trials and tribulations... Then check out my new website: LiamCarnahan.com I'll be sending out emails on creativity, writing, and the publishing industry there, a few times a month. If you want to receive those emails, just click here. 👆 That will open up my first blog, but also automatically add you to the mailing list for LiamCarnahan.com. And thank you! For all you creatives, I'll see you over on the new website. Now, back to our regular programming. - Liam |
Want to make the most of your content marketing and SEO efforts? Looking for a guide to help you with your new freelance career? Sign up below, and you'll receive my best tips and my weekly newsletter.